
How to say goodbye to 2020 + face yoga, new group challenges, and wishes

Thank you so much for reading my words.  It has been such a pleasure writing this newsletter for you every single week and sharing with you what I'm most passionate about - women being proactive about upgrading our lives.

I want to wish you a beautiful holiday season and an amazing  2021.

This is issue #47 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

Every week I discuss self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to balance busy home life. 

1. How to say goodbye to 2020

I love setting new goals, and making new lists - and if you do, too - hey, there, soul sister!

But before you rush to make new plans and welcome in 2021, I think it is very important to close 2020 properly.

We do that by reflecting (in writing).

This has been a crazy year.

So much uncertainty.
So much fear + pain.
Yet, so many new discoveries and much personal growth.

Beyond masks, quarantines, and social distancing...
Beyond the vaccine, elections, and social movements...

What has the...

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