
Walk and Talk with Nelly, episode 1

Nelly Odessa
Walk and Talk with Nelly, episode 1
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75 Hard Challenge #75Hard

If you haven't heard much from me lately, it's because I've been BUSY!

Busy doing #75Hard!

75 is a crazy-intense-life-changing-awesome "mental toughness" challenge.  I've read that only 1% of people who attempt this challenge complete it...and your girl here got herself in that 1%.

Welcome to issue #56 of
{Upgrade with Nelly} 

In this weekly newsletter, I write about self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to pursue your dreams and goals while fulfilling other responsibilities. 

Sign up to receive future issues right in your inbox:

1. The 75 Hard Challenge - the overview

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you have probably seen me post non-stop about 75 Hard most recently. This challenge is what has been on my mind.

I'm not even sure how I first heard about it or what initially got me interested in participating, but at some point, 3 months ago, I decided to give it a try.   

Look, I LOVE challenges.  I have been creating

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COVID Vaccine - my current views

COVID vaccine

Vaccinations are underway in the United States, and other countries all over the world, using vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna.

My clients, friends, and social media followers have been asking me how I feel about the vaccine.  The vaccine, like many many other recent happenings, has become another controversial hot topic.  I usually prefer to avoid dwelling on such topics, so I'll keep this answer brief.

*I am not a doctor and medical decisions are best made with the advice of a healthcare professional who you trust.  

Below are just my personal and current opinions - which may or may not change with time.

1. I really hope and pray that the vaccine is effective and safe, without any significant side effects.  This is personal and I deeply care about this.  A lot of our family members (from both my and my husband's side) are healthcare workers who have received the vaccine.

2. I honestly have concerns about the safety of the vaccine.  Perhaps I have watched too many "if you have

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Gratitude in unhappy or annoying situations

This article originally appeared in {Upgrade with Nelly} newsletter issue #6 (February 11, 2020)


Last week I set the following goal:

Be grateful
Pause more often.  

Notice blessings.
See the cup half full.
Judge others favorably.

It was fairly easy for me to be happy about my blessings and to feel good when things are going well. I have been "practicing gratitude" for a while by saying blessings before I eat, thanking everyone who holds the door for me, and without any effort enjoying a sunny day.

When it came to annoying or unhappy situations, however, gratitude did not come as smoothly. I hate housework: loading the dishwasher, folding laundry, changing beddings, and tidying up toys are not my ideas of a good time.  I highly dislike all of it...and yet, I love a clean house.  This morning as I was noticing myself feeling very annoyed and overwhelmed, I decided to reframe.    
I'm grateful that I have a big family and a big home.  (instead of: why is there so much laundry)  I'm gratef

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How to stay consistent with your habits, goals, and projects.

This is issue #50 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

Yes!   Issue number 50!!!!!!   Woohoooooooooo.

In this weekly newsletter, I write about self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to pursue your dreams and goals while fulfilling your other responsibilities. 

Know someone who would enjoy the newsletter? Share it with them.

Got this email from a friend? Sign yourself up for future issues here: sign up.

1. How to stay consistent with your goals, projects, and habits

Consistency is hard for so many of us.  How many times did you start a new diet, or a new exercise routine, or pursue any new habit (meditate daily, read, go to bed early), only to get distracted?  It happens a lot.

I'd like to share what it took to stay consistent with writing 50 issues of this newsletter.  (Read with the intent of applying these lessons to your own goals)

1. Passion.  
I like writing this newsletter.  It's important to me.  I care about getting this done every single week.  You ca...

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Upgrade your self talk, upgrade your goals, and buy a neti pot.

This is issue #49 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

Let's talk about self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to pursue your dreams and goals while fulfilling your other responsibilities. 

1. More.

In the busyness of life, among paying bills, and meal prep, and errands, and doctor visits, and vacuuming, and other basic life maintenance tasks, which consume the majority of our time and focus, be sure to pause from time to time.  To pause and reflect on your BIGGER vision to ensure that you stay on course.

Keep reflecting on your values, true desires, and sincere needs.

What do you want more of in your life?

Right now I want MORE of: 
Green vegetables in my diet
Relaxed happy moments with my kids
Doing good for others
Fresh produce
Lemon water
Writing time
Reading time
Quality time with my husband
True friends
Time outdoors

Pause.  Reflect.  Yes, YOU!
Make your list.  Do this Now.

2. Less.

In the busyness of life, among our pursuits for more, it is important to pause and g

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My plan for success and happiness in 2021.

Hello, 2021.  And happy new year to you, my beautiful life-upgrader.

I launched this newsletter exactly a year ago.  Some of you have been with me from the very start, while others are just now discovering my work.

Let me reintroduce myself.  

I empower women to pursue (and achieve) their goals + to upgrade all areas of life.  I'm a creative entrepreneur, life improvement specialist (life coach with an edge), and mom of 4.  I'm proactively pursuing upgrades in my own life and sharing it all with you to inspire you to do the same. 

This is issue #48 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

This is where we talk about self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to pursue your dreams and goals while fulfilling your other responsibilities.

Just an FYI, going forward the weekly newsletter will go out on Wednesdays (instead of Tuesdays). 

Not receiving the newsletter yet? : 
 sign up.

1. Pick a word for 2021

Before we get specific and start setting detailed goals and making plans,...

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How to say goodbye to 2020 + face yoga, new group challenges, and wishes

Thank you so much for reading my words.  It has been such a pleasure writing this newsletter for you every single week and sharing with you what I'm most passionate about - women being proactive about upgrading our lives.

I want to wish you a beautiful holiday season and an amazing  2021.

This is issue #47 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

Every week I discuss self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to balance busy home life. 

1. How to say goodbye to 2020

I love setting new goals, and making new lists - and if you do, too - hey, there, soul sister!

But before you rush to make new plans and welcome in 2021, I think it is very important to close 2020 properly.

We do that by reflecting (in writing).

This has been a crazy year.

So much uncertainty.
So much fear + pain.
Yet, so many new discoveries and much personal growth.

Beyond masks, quarantines, and social distancing...
Beyond the vaccine, elections, and social movements...

What has the year been like for you, persona...

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Quarantine mental sanity remedies + goal setting for December

Last week's newsletter resonated with so many of you.  I'm glad I did not hold back and shared all of my remedies for recovery.  If you missed that issue, as always, I will include a link to it in the resources section at the end of this newsletter.  Please share it with anyone who needs the resources. 

 Today I'm sharing with you my mental recovery protocols. 

But let's not get stuck in Corona-Ville.   Enough is enough.  It is December - a new month - and it's time to set brand new goals.  No matter what November has been like for you, you can set brand new goals to upgrade your life.  In today's issue, I will walk you through it.  

This is issue #45 of {Upgrade with Nelly} 

Every week I discuss self-care, personal productivity, business, mindset, relationships, creativity, and how to balance busy home life.  

Know someone who would enjoy the newsletter? Share it with them.

1. Surviving COVID + the quarantine 

Last week I shared all of my remedies to heal physically.

Getting through COVID is

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Issue #44 - I tested positive for COVID. (I'm sharing my remedy for recovery)

This is not a typical issue of "Upgrade with Nelly".  Today, for me, was not a typical Tuesday.  Normally my husband would be in the office, my older girls in school, my toddlers in daycare, while I would run errands in the morning, coach clients in the afternoon, get a workout in during the evening, and in between put finishing touches on a newsletter about goals, habits, and productivity.  No, this has not been a typical day nor a typical week.

I have tested positive for COVID-19!

As I'm slowly recovering, I share with your some of the behind-the-scenes.  The reason for transparency is to offer some insight, hope, and resources to anyone going through this, as well.   (Please share it with a friend who needs this right now)

This is issue #44 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

Please excuse any typos, grammar issues, or incomplete thoughts.  I can't even believe I managed to write this issue given the situation. 

Know someone who would benefit from this? Share it with them.

1. COVID-19, My story 


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