
75 Hard Challenge #75Hard

If you haven't heard much from me lately, it's because I've been BUSY!

Busy doing #75Hard!

75 is a crazy-intense-life-changing-awesome "mental toughness" challenge.  I've read that only 1% of people who attempt this challenge complete it...and your girl here got herself in that 1%.

Welcome to issue #56 of
{Upgrade with Nelly} 

In this weekly newsletter, I write about self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to pursue your dreams and goals while fulfilling other responsibilities. 

Sign up to receive future issues right in your inbox:

1. The 75 Hard Challenge - the overview

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you have probably seen me post non-stop about 75 Hard most recently. This challenge is what has been on my mind.

I'm not even sure how I first heard about it or what initially got me interested in participating, but at some point, 3 months ago, I decided to give it a try....

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How to stay consistent with your habits, goals, and projects.

This is issue #50 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

Yes!   Issue number 50!!!!!!   Woohoooooooooo.

In this weekly newsletter, I write about self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to pursue your dreams and goals while fulfilling your other responsibilities. 

Know someone who would enjoy the newsletter? Share it with them.

Got this email from a friend? Sign yourself up for future issues here: sign up.

1. How to stay consistent with your goals, projects, and habits

Consistency is hard for so many of us.  How many times did you start a new diet, or a new exercise routine, or pursue any new habit (meditate daily, read, go to bed early), only to get distracted?  It happens a lot.

I'd like to share what it took to stay consistent with writing 50 issues of this newsletter.  (Read with the intent of applying these lessons to your own goals)

1. Passion.  
I like writing this newsletter.  It's important to me....

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My plan for success and happiness in 2021.

Hello, 2021.  And happy new year to you, my beautiful life-upgrader.

I launched this newsletter exactly a year ago.  Some of you have been with me from the very start, while others are just now discovering my work.

Let me reintroduce myself.  

I empower women to pursue (and achieve) their goals + to upgrade all areas of life.  I'm a creative entrepreneur, life improvement specialist (life coach with an edge), and mom of 4.  I'm proactively pursuing upgrades in my own life and sharing it all with you to inspire you to do the same. 

This is issue #48 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

This is where we talk about self-care, personal productivity, business, relationships, creativity, and how to pursue your dreams and goals while fulfilling your other responsibilities.

Just an FYI, going forward the weekly newsletter will go out on Wednesdays (instead of Tuesdays). 

Not receiving the newsletter yet? : 
 sign up.

1. Pick a word for 2021

Before we get...

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Issue #42

Hi beautiful, 

I went for a walk by the beach today.  This year has been so unpredictable.

We all say we like surprises, but that of course is a lie!
We like surprises when it's things that we want.
Nobody likes surprises we don't want.

Nearly Summer-like weather in November, for me, has been a pleasant surprise.  

Can you think back to some pleasant surprises you recently enjoyed in your life?

Welcome to issue #42 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

In this newsletter I discuss self-care, personal productivity, business, positive mindset, and how to balance busy home life. 

Know someone who would enjoy the newsletter? Share it with them.

1. Weekly Check-Ins

Ok ladies.  Let's do this!

It's honesty time!

I'm feeling nervous because I know that I did not dedicate enough time and effort to my new commitments. 

However, this is exactly why we do these weekly check-ins!  It's not only to check things off the list and to feel great about ourselves.  I've done...

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Issue #41

 Happy Tuesday. 

It's Election Day here in the US.  
I voted (last week). 
I said a prayer (this afternoon).
And then I made a decision to turn off the news, the social media, and the WhatsApp notifications.  

I made a choice to focus on those things I DO have control over.  Things like eating a healthy meal, calling my mom, and setting new goals.

It is so easy to put life on hold until "after the election", or "after the pandemic is over", or "after I get a better job""after the weather gets warmer", "after I lose weight" or until after something else happens.

I've decided not to put my life on hold.
I will keep pursuing my dreams, working on my goals, reflecting on what works well in my life, and what needs an upgrade, on continuous improvement + learning.  Let's do this.

This is issue #41 of {Upgrade with Nelly}  

In this newsletter, I discuss self-care, personal productivity, business, mindset during the COVID-era, and how to balance...

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